Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days

Machame Route, also known as the “Whiskey” route, begins at Machame Gate, located in the southern base of Mount Kilimanjaro, within its green, abundant rainforest. We climb to the Shira Plateau, then traverse the mountain beneath Kilimanjaro’s Southern Icefield, before summiting from Barafu Hut and descends using Mweka Gate. Machame 7 Day route is recommended because it provides an additional acclimatization day and shortens some of the daily hikes.

Program Description

Arrive in Tanzania

Arrive anytime at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), there will be a pick-up private transfer waiting to Arusha for accommodation ready for Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days climb.
We will gather in the evening for a pre-climb briefing and an equipment check.
Dinner and overnight at Arusha:

Day 1: Machame Camp.

After completing the necessary registration formalities at Machame National Park gate, our Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days begins to trek through a beautiful and lush forest. We have a picnic lunch en route.
We camp at Machame Camp (9,800 ft). [5-6 hours walking]

Day 2: Shira Camp

We soon leave the forest behind and enter the moorland zone of giant heather. The trail climbs steadily through rocky hills with wide views of the Shira Plateau (11,000 ft). From our camp near Shira Hut (12,600 ft), we take in the unforgettable views of Mt. Meru as she floats among the clouds. [4-5 hours walking]

Day 3: Barranco Camp.

A morning of sustained ascent and panoramic views brings us to lunch near Lava Tower (14,900 ft). The trail then descends to the bottom of the Barranco Valley (12,800 ft), where we stay in the spectacular Barranco Camp sheltered by towering cliffs and with extensive views of the plains far below. [7-9 hours walking]

Day 4: Karanga Camp

A steep climb up the Barranco Wall leads us to an undulating trail on the south-eastern flank of Kibo, with superb vistas of the Southern Icefields. The terrain changes to scree, with pockets of lush vegetation in sheltered hollows, and there is only a short distance to our camp at Karanga Camp (13,100 ft), the last water point on the approach to the summit. [5-7 hours walking]

Day 5: Barafu Camp

We follow an easy path on compacted scree with wide views that gains altitude unrelentingly to reach Barafu Hut (14,800 ft) for lunch. There is a short acclimatization hike to the plateau at the bottom of the southeast valley (15,700 ft). The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the early morning final ascent. [3-5 hours walking]

Day 6: Summit to Mweka Camp

Start our ascent by torchlight at about 1 a.m. so that we can be up on the crater rim by sunrise. The steep climb over loose volcanic scree has some well-graded zig-zags and a slow but steady pace will take us to Stella Point (18,800 ft), in about five or six hours. We will rest there for a short time to enjoy the sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can make the two-hour round trip from here along the crater rim to Uhuru Peak (19,345 ft), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area.
The descent to Barafu is surprisingly fast, and after some refreshments, we continue to descend to reach our final campsite, Mweka Camp (9,300 ft). [12-15 hours walking]

Day 7: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate.

A sustained descent on a well-constructed path takes us through a lovely tropical forest alive with birdsong and boasting lush undergrowth with considerable botanical interest. Our route winds down to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate at Mweka (5,400 ft); and on through coffee and banana farms to Mweka village, where we are transferred to our lodging in Arusha. [4-6 hours walking] Dinner and overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge: B&B

Departure Day

Arusha to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your flight back home, safari, or a relaxing trip to Zanzibar we can discuss on arrival day.
E-mail us at any time to discuss your trip and get an accurate quotation and best price.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days Includes:
• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities.
• Airports Transfers
• Hotel Lodging  before and  after the climb (double occupancy)
• All Park gate fees, camping fees, and climbing permits.
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summing aid)
• Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
• Professional, English-speaking Guide, assistant guides and cook
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
• Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattresses)
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Chemical Portable toilet

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route – 7 Days Excludes;
• Flights and airport taxes
• Items of a personal nature
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine, and water purifying tablets
• Tips (see Tipping guideline) and any items of personal nature.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route -7 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route -7 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route -7 Days with Kilipeak Adventure, begins at the remote, northern side of Mount Kilimanjaro, near the Kenyan border. We hike through a true wilderness area towards the jagged Mawenzi Peak, then cross a barren desert saddle, before climbing up Kibo’s eastern crater wall.
The Rongai route is a more gradual ascent, and is therefore preferred by those with little or no backpacking experience, but is equally enjoyable for even the most hardened trekkers. As mentioned above, an additional acclimatization day on Day 5 is added.
During this day, we will do additional acclimatization hikes around and up to the saddle towards Camel’s Back.

Arrive In Tanzania.

Arrive anytime at Kilimanjaro International Airport, we will use our private transfer to Moshi / Marangu for accommodation.
Mountain guides will gather at the hotel for a pre-climb briefing and an equipment check.
Dinner and overnight at Moshi town or Marangu:

Day 1: Rongai One Camp

After breakfast, we transferred to Rongai gate. The climb begins from Nale Moru (6,400 ft) on a small path that winds through fields of maize and potatoes before entering a pine forest. The track then starts to climb consistently, but gently through an attractive forest that shelters a variety of wildlife, including the Colobus monkey. These monkeys are black with a long ‘cape’ of white hair and a flowing whitetail. The forest begins to thin out at the edge of the moorland zone. Then, we take in the expansive views over the Kenyan plains as we arrive at our first campsite at Rongai One Camp (8,500 ft). [3-4 hours walking]

Day 2: Simba Camp –  Rongai 2nd Cave

The morning walk is a steady ascent up to the Second Cave (11,300 ft) with superb views of Kibo and the Eastern Icefields on the crater rim. After lunch, we leave the main trail and strike out and head southeast across the moorland on a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi. Our campsite is in a sheltered valley, decorated with giant senecios near Kikelewa Caves (11,800 ft). [6-7 hours walking]

Day 3: Second Cave – Kikelewa Cave.

A short but steep climb is rewarded by superb all-around views and a tangible sense of wilderness. We leave vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at Mawenzi Tarn (14,200 ft), spectacularly situated in a cirque directly beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. The afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area as an aid to acclimatization. [3-4 hours walking]

Day 4: Kikelewa Cave – Mawenzi Turn

We have an additional day to acclimatize. We explore the area with a walk up onto the Saddle towards Camel’s Back. We return back to camp at Mawenzi Tarn (14,200 ft). [2-3 hours walking]

Day 5: Mawenzi Turn – Kibo Hut

We cross the lunar desert of the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo to reach Kibo Hut (15,400 ft) at the bottom of the crater wall. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for an early morning final ascent. [5-6 hours walking]

Day 6: Kibo Hut – Summit- Horrombo Hut.

We start the final and most demanding part of the climb by torchlight around 1 a.m. We plod very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (18,600 ft). We rest here for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three-hour round trip to Uhuru Peak (19,345 ft), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent to Kibo Hut (15,400 ft) is surprisingly fast and, after some refreshments, we continue the descent to Horombo Huts (12,200 ft). [11-15 hours walking]

Day 7: Horrombo Hut.

A steady descent takes us down through moorland to Mandara Huts (8,900 ft). We then continue descending through lovely lush forest on a good path to the Marangu Gate (6,000 ft), where we are transferred back to Babylon Lodge or Similar for a hot shower and celebration. [5-6 hours walking]
Dinner and overnight at Babylon Lodge or similar: Bed, Dinner, and Breakfast included.

Departing Day:
Depending on your flight schedule and departure point you will be transferred to the Airport for your journey home, safari, or a relaxing trip to Zanzibar Beach.

E-mail us at any time to discuss your trip and get an accurate quotation.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route -7 Days Includes:

• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
• Transfer on arrival and departure day
• Hotel Lodging the night before and the night after the climb
• All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees, and climbing permits.
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid)
• Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
• Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters, and cook
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Chemical Portable toilet

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route -7 Days Excludes:

• Flights and airport taxes
• Items of a personal nature
• Compulsory tips for guides, porters, and cook- Will provide tipping guideline on booking
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine, and water purifying tablets

Mount Kilimanjaro Private  and Small Group Climbs

Mount Kilimanjaro Private and Small Group Climbs

Mount Kilimanjaro Private and Small Group Climbs


Private and small group climb allow you to choose to hike Kilimanjaro or Meru to tailor your trip according to your personal needs and preferences. You choose the dates, route, and options and only travel with your private group of friends or family; private climbs also tend to have the highest summit success rates also kilipeak Adventure guides are Wilderness First Responder Certified (WFR), are licensed by Kilimanjaro National Park and have significant experience climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, and speak English fluently.

Kilipeak Adventure offers Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru private group climb through the following route;

Marangu, Machame, Rongai, Shira, Lemosho, Umbwe, and Northern Circuit.



Marangu is one of the oldest and most popular Kilimanjaro routes. It’s sometimes called the Coca-Cola route because you stay in huts. The Marangu route approaches the summit from the southeast of the mountain. Overall it’s a relatively easy route, having very few steep climbs. But its acclimatization profile is mediocre, as it doesn’t allow much time for acclimatization. Fewer people, therefore, make it to the top when you look at its summit success rate compared with those of the other routes. This route can be completed in Five or Six days


The second most popular option among the climbers is the Machame route, also known as “the Whiskey Route”. This route offers a wide variety of views, landscapes, and experiences. Located on the southern slope of Mt Kilimanjaro, Machame Gate will lead you to the top of Kilimanjaro along the exciting footpath which starts at the tropical forest, then runs through all the climate zones and finishes with the Arctic desert in the summit area.

Camps along the trek are favorably located for a smooth and gradual acclimatization transition process. On the 3rd day, Machame Route converges with Lemosho and Umbwe at Barranco camp.

You can choose between a six or seven-day climb. The latter one is highly preferred for a better acclimatization transition.


The Rongai route is the only route that approaches the summit from the northern side of the mountain, near the Kenyan border. It’s one of the least crowded of the seven Kilimanjaro routes.

It’s recommended to do the seven-day itinerary (as opposed to the six-day itinerary) as the topography of this trail doesn’t afford many opportunities to ‘climb high, sleep low. The seven-day itinerary includes an acclimatization day at Mawenzi Tarn Camp, which gives your body time to adjust to the higher elevation. Acclimatization is important in allowing you to reach the summit.


The Shira route is one of the older Kilimanjaro routes and is very similar to the Lemosho route. The only differences between them are the trail walked on the first couple of days, and that the starting point of the Shira is higher. In fact, the Lemosho route can be considered the ‘new-and-improved version of the Shira route.

The Shira route approaches the summit of Kilimanjaro from the west, starting at Morum Barrier. It starts relatively high above sea level and is, therefore, a less frequented route as it offers a poorer acclimatization profile. The route requires you to camp. The trek through Shira is available from a Six, Seven, and Eight days program.


The Lemosho route is one of the newest Kilimanjaro routes. It was introduced as an alternative to the Shira route, which starts at a higher and therefore more challenging altitude. In light of its versatility, gorgeous scenery, and rather untouched, wild start to the climb, the Lemosho is considered the route with the most variety. This route can be completed in seven or eight days


The Umbwe route has a reputation for being the most challenging route on Kilimanjaro. And rightly so. It’s the shortest and steepest of the Kilimanjaro routes and accordingly has a poor acclimatization profile. For this reason, its summit success rate is low and it’s one of the least used trails on the mountain. The Umbwe approaches the summit from the south and camping is the only available accommodation option. Pre-acclimatisation is recommended for those who choose to trek this route.​

The trek through Umbwe is available only as a 6-day program. Recommended only to experienced hikers in good physical shape.


The Northern Circuit route is the longest and newest of the seven established Kilimanjaro routes. It’s one of the best routes because of its great acclimatization profile, high summit success rate, stunning views, and comparatively relaxed pace. It’s also much less crowded than the other Kilimanjaro routes. Simply put, it’s one of the best ways to experience the roof of Africa.

It takes at least nine days to climb Kilimanjaro through the Northern Circuit which is why the route boasts a very high success rate.

This is a great option for groups of friends, colleagues, or families; it is also a favorite with charity groups of varying sizes and adventurous honeymooners.

If you are more of a solo traveler or setting out to accomplish a very personal goal, you can always book a climb for yourself. Our experienced guides will keep you company and lead all the way.

Mount Kilimanjaro Private and Small Group Climbs can consist of a minimum of one person to over 100 with your guides, cooks, and porters dedicated to the welfare and safety of your group exclusively. Private departures also include pre-and post-trekking accommodation at Ilboru safari lodge, Karama Lodge and Spa Arusha and Lindrin Hotel Moshi Babylon Lodge Marangu, Enjoy the comfort of portable chemical toilets on all the camping routes (except the Marangu route).

Private climbs can depart on any day of the week. This is ideal if you have limited time or need to fit your Kilimanjaro route or Mount Meru around fixed flight arrivals and departures.

For more information or to book a private climb with Kilipeak Adventure click here

Price Includes:

• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
• Airport transfers
• Hotel Lodging the night before and the night after the climb,
• Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food.
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid)
• Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
• Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters, and cook
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
• Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress,es and Chemical portable Toilet
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt
Flying Doctor Service.

Price Excludes:

• Flights and airport taxes
• Items of a personal nature
• Compulsory tips for guides, porters, and cooks. (see tipping guideline)
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine, and water purifying tablets

Mount Kilimanjaro Climb – Shira Route – 7 Days Itinerary

Mount Kilimanjaro Climb – Shira Route – 7 Days Itinerary

Mount Kilimanjaro Climb – Shira Route – 7 Days Itinerary with Kilipeak Adventure, Very similar to the Lemosho route, however, it starts at 3,600 meters and is therefore not ideal for trekkers who have little or no experience of high altitude trekking. We trek across an alpine plateau and traverse the great Southern Ice field, before summiting from Barafu Hut.

Arrive In Tanzania

Arrive any time at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) pick up by Kilipeak Adventure staff and drive to Arusha We stay at Kerama Silent Lodge, We will gather in the hotel for a pre-climb briefing and an equipment check. We will also confirm you have the appropriate mandatory medical coverage and travel insurance.
Dinner and overnight at Kerama Silent Lodge: Bed, and Breakfast-included.

Day 1: Shira One Camp.

After breakfast at the hotel in Arusha, we drive approximately 2 hours through the rural countryside to the Londrossi Gate. For the necessary park registration formalities at the Londorossi National Park gate, we drive a short distance on a steep track through farmland and plantations to the starting of Shira Route. We start our ascent along with the shrub forests the trail climbs steadily with wide views of Kibo Icefield to reach the rim of the Shira Plateau.
Londrossi Gate to Shira One Camp (3550 m): 4-5 hours walking.

Day 2: Shira Hut.

Today we follow an easy path to the summit of Shira Cathedral before reaching the next camp at Shira Hut. As this camp is quite exposed, it can be substantially colder than the previous night, with temperatures dropping to well below freezing.
Shira Camp One to Shira Hut (3,840 m): 4-5 hours walking.

Day 3: Barranco Valley Camp.

Today we walk on a gentle ascent and panoramic views. We traverse the southwest side of Kilimanjaro, passing underneath the Lava Tower and the final section of the Western Breach and after hot lunch the bottom of the Lava Tower (4,600 m.) we descend to the bottom of the Great Barranco valley (3,900 m.).
Moir Hut to Barranco valley (3,900 m.): 5-7 hours walking.

Day 4: Karanga Camp.

A steep climb up the eastern wall leads us just below the Heim Glacier, where we may have some spectacular views of Kilimanjaro. We then take a steep exit up the Great Barranco Wall, which divides us from the southeastern slopes of Kibo, the trail continues down into the alpine desert of the Karanga Valley, finally, we have a steep climb up to Karanga Camp
Barranco Valley to Karanga camp (4,000 m): 4-5 hours walking.

Day 5: Barafu Camp.

Today we take the Traverse Route that takes up the Barafu Ridge, we walk up quite slowly to the final camp before your last ascent day to the summit. The remainder of the day is spent relaxing in preparation for the final ascent before a very early night.
Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp (4,600 m): 3-4 hours walking.

Day 6: Summit – Mweka Camp.

Wake up before midnight in the cover of darkness. We begin a steep climb over loose volcanic scree has some well-graded zig-zags and a slow but steady pace will take us to the rim of the main crater, Stella Point, at 5,735m. We will rest there for a few minutes to enjoy the sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling good can continue slowly to make the two-hour round trip from here along the crater rim to the main peak (5,895 m), which is the highest point in Africa. After a few minutes to appreciate your accomplishment we descend to Barafu is amazingly fast, and we stop at Barafu Camp for some refreshment, we continue to descend to reach Mweka Camp.
Barafu Camp to Summit to Mweka Camp (3100 m): 13-15 hours walking.

Day 7: Mweka Gate-  Arusha Town.

A gentle walk takes us down through the rain forest to Mweka gate successful climbers will receive their summit certificates. After lunch, we drive back to Arusha for shower and celebration.
Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate: 3-5 hours walking.
Dinner and overnight at Kerama Silent Lodge: Bed, dinner, and Breakfast-included.

Departing Day

After saying bye to our team of guides then you need a private departure transfer which is included from Arusha to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your flight unless you have an option to have a short safari or any other option we will discuss.
E-mail us at any time to discuss your trip and get an accurate quotation.
The above climb can be undertaken for your own personal charity or group charity.

Mount Kilimanjaro Climb – Shira Route – 7 Days Itinerary Includes:

• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities
• Airport transfers
• Accommodation night before and the night after the climb
• All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees, and climbing permits.
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen
• Basic first aid kit
• Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters, and cook
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
• Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Chemical portable toilet

Mount Kilimanjaro Climb – Shira Route – 7 Days Itinerary Excludes:

• Flights and airport taxes
• Items of a personal nature
• Compulsory tips for guides, porters, and cook (See tipping guideline)
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine, and water purifying tablets

Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement summit oxygen, and Pulse Oximeters).
Travel insurance:
All customers traveling with Kilipeak Adventure are required to have fully comprehensive travel insurance. The policy needs to be valid from the date that the initial order is placed so as to provide cover for a cancellation prior to departure. During travel, the insurance needs to provide comprehensive medical, evacuation, and repatriation cover.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days Tour Highlight.

Duration: 5 days on the Mountain
Itinerary Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days
Scenery: Very good
Traffic: Low

 Arrive In Tanzania:

On arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be met by Kilipeak Adventure staff and transferred for overnight accommodation at Babylon Lodge Marangu B&B. Your head guide will meet you for your briefing, gear check, and arrange for you to hire any equipment you may need from Kilipeak Adventure Store
Dinner and overnight at Babylon Lodge or similar: Bed, and Breakfast included.

Day 2: Rongai Camp:

The Mount Kilimanjaro climb begins from the attractive wooden village of Nale Moru (1,950 m.) on a small path that winds through fields of maize and potatoes before entering a pine forest. The track then starts to climb consistently, but gently through attractive forest that shelters a variety of wildlife, including the beautiful Kilimanjaro Colobus monkey. These monkeys are black with a long ‘cape’ of white hair and a flowing whitetail. The forest begins to thin out and Rongai One Camp is at the edge of the moorland zone (2,600 m.) with extensive views over the Kenyan plains. [3-4 hours walking]

Day 3: Rongai Third Cave:

The morning walk is a steady ascent up to the ‘Third Cave’ (3,450 m) with superb views of Kibo and the Eastern icefields on the crater rim. After lunch, we continue up our Mount Kilimanjaro climb to Third Cave (3,900 m) [5-6 hours walking]

Day 4: School Hut:

The steady ascend continues, soon reaching the lunar desert of the ‘Saddle’ between Mawenzi and Kibo. We should reach School Hut Campsite (4,750 m.) at the bottom of the Kibo Crater wall by midday. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent before a very early night! [4-5 hours walking]

Day 5: Summit Down – Horombo Hut:

We will start the final and by far the steepest and most demanding, part of the Mount Kilimanjaro climb by torchlight around 1 a.m. We plod very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (5,685 m.) We will rest there for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three-hour round trip to Uhuru Peak (5,896 m.), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent to School (4,700 m.) is surprisingly fast and, after some refreshment, we continue the descent to reach our final campsite at Horombo (3,720 m.). [11-15 hours walking]

Day 6: Marangu Gate:

A steady descent takes us down through moorland to Mandara Hut (2,700m.), the first stopping place at the Marangu route. We then continue descending through the lovely lush forest on a good path to the National Park gate at Marangu (1,830 m.). [5-6 hours walking]
Dinner and overnight at Babylon Lodge: Bed, and Breakfast included.

Departing Day:

Depending on your flight schedule and departure point you will be transferred to the Airport for your journey home, safari, or a relaxing trip to Zanzibar Beach.

E-mail us at any time to discuss your trip and get an accurate quotation.

  Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days Includes:

• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
• Airport transfers
• Hotel Lodging the night before and the night after the climb
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen
• Basic first aid kit
• Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters, and cook
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
• Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Chemical Portable toilet.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 5 Days Excludes:

• Flights and airport taxes, Tanzania Visa
• Compulsory tips for guides, porters, and cook- will provide tipping guidelines upon booking
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine, and water purifying tablets

Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement summit oxygen, and Pulse Oximeters).
Travel insurance:
All customers traveling with Kilipeak Adventure are required to have fully comprehensive travel insurance. The policy needs to be valid from the date that the initial order is placed so as to provide cover for a cancellation prior to departure. During travel, the insurance needs to provide comprehensive medical, evacuation, and repatriation cover.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 6 Days

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 6 Days

Program Highlights.

Rongai Route is the only route that approaches the mountain from the north side of the Kenya border. The route has almost the same ascending profile as the Marangu route Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 6 Days allow you to hit the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro comfortably.

Duration:  6 Days
Destinations: Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking – Rongai Route – 6 Days
Major Attractions:  Vegetation zones, Wildlife, Mt Kilimanjaro

Program Description.

Arrival Tanzania.

Pick up from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Moshi/ Marangu,  which is a beautiful place located on the lower slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Our Mountain Guide will gather for a pre-climb briefing and an equipment check.
Overnight and Dinner at Arusha, Moshi / Marangu:

Day 1: Nale Muru Gate  – Simba Camp: | Rainforest

Elevation: 1996m/6552ft to 2625m/8645ft
Altitude gained: 638meters (20,66ft)

After an early breakfast in Moshi / Marangu, you will drive to the Rongai -Nalemoru) Gate near the Kenya border. We begin our climb on this unspoiled wilderness route. The walk then starts to climb consistently, but gently through an attractive forest that shelters a variety of wildlife. The forest begins to thin out and the first camp is at the edge of the moorland zone with extensive views over the Kenyan plains. [3-4 hours walking]

Day 2: Simba Camp – Kikelewa Camp: | Moorland Zone

Elevation: 2,626m/8,615ft to 3675m/12057ft
Altitude gained: 1057meter

The morning walk is a steady ascent up to the ‘Second Cave’ (3,450 m.) with superb views of Kibo and the Eastern icefields on the crater rim. After lunch, we leave the main trail and strike out across the moorland on a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi. Our “Upper Kikelelwa” campsite is on a small plateau above a sheltered valley with giant scenarios past Kikelelwa Caves [7-8 hours walking]

Day 3: Kikelewa Camp – Mawenzi Turn: | Semi Desert

Elevation: 3675m/12057ft to 4302m/14114ft
Altitude gained: 627m

A short but steep climb up grassy slopes is rewarded by superb all-around views and a tangible sense of wilderness. We leave vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at “Mawenzi” (4,300 m.), spectacularly situated beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. The afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area as an aid to acclimatization. [3-4 hours walking]

Day 4: Mawenzi Turn – Kibo Hut: | Alpine Desert

Elevation: 4302m/14,114ft to 4714m/15,466ft
Altitude gained: 412m

Cross the lunar desert of the ‘Saddle’ between Mawenzi and Kibo to reach Kibo campsite at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent on Summit Night. [5-6 hours walking]

Day 5: Kibo Huts – Summit: up – Horombo Huts: down | Glaciers, Snow Capped Summit

Elevation: 4302m/14,114ft to 5895m/19,341ft
Altitude gained: 721m
Descent to 3721m/12,208ft
Altitude lost: 2174m

We will start the final and by far the steepest and most demanding, part of the climb by torchlight around 1 a.m. We plod very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (5,685 m.) We will rest there for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three-hour round trip to Uhuru Peak (5,896 m.), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent to Kibo Hut is surprisingly fast and, after some refreshment, we continue the descent to reach our final campsite at Horombo [11-15 hours of walking].

Day 6: Horombo Huts – Marangu Gate: |Rainforest

Elevation: 3721m/12,208 to 1905m/6250ft
Altitude lost: 1816m

A steady descent takes us down through moorland to Mandara Hut (2,700m.), the first stopping place at the Marangu route. We then continue descending through the lovely lush forest on a good path to the National Park gate at Marangu (1,830 m.). [5-6 hours of walking].
Accommodation at Kilimanjaro Mountain Resort or similar :

Departing Day.

Moshi / Marangu to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your flight unless you have an option to have a short safari or Zanzibar beach vacation or other option we will discuss.

Pricing Information

Price Includes:

• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
•  Transfers
• Hotel before and after the climb,
• Transfer to the starting point  and return after your climb
• Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food
• All Park gate fees, camping fees.
• Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees
• Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid)
• Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
• Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters, and cook
• Salaries for the mountain crew.
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain
• Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress
• Water for washing up daily
• Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs)
• Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt
• Chemical Portable toilet
• Flying Doctor Service

Price Excludes:

• Flights and airport taxes
• Items of a personal nature
• Compulsory tips for guides, porters, and cook
• Health requirements (Yellow Fever compulsory if traveling to Tanzania recommended)
• Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
• Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
• Snacks, personal medicine.
• Meals & drinks not specified and snacks.
Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement summit oxygen and Pulse Oximeters)
Travel insurance
all customers traveling with Kilipeak Adventure are required to have fully comprehensive travel insurance.
The policy needs to be valid from the date that the initial order is placed so as to provide cover for a cancellation prior to departure.
During travel, the insurance needs to provide comprehensive medical, evacuation, and repatriation cover.